Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Garden

This is our Garden. It is big.

We have Broccoli.

We have Peas.

We have Tomatoes.

We have Cucumbers.

We have Watermelon.

We have Cantaloupe.

We have Zucchini.

We have Squash.

We have Pumpkins.

And we have Corn.

Because as you all know.....

Theeeeeeee Prophet said to plant a garden
So that's what we'll DOOOOO.
For God has given rich brown soil,
The rain and sunshine TOOOOO.
And if we plant the seeds just right,
and tend them carefully....
Before you know,
Good things will grow,
To feed our famillllllyyyyyy!

There are also some flowers that popped up in our backyard:


And speaking of flowers...

I'm pretty much a pro. : )


rebecca said...

i cant wait to see the pictures of your garden at the end of the summer! and you ARE a cake decorating pro! atta girl!

Donna Jo said...

Yes, you are a pro. I didn't see any weeds. Marvelous!

Beautiful Lady said...

OH MY COW!!!! THIS IS AN AMAZING POST!!!! You ARE pretty much PRO! I really loved how you wrote out the song and I sang it in my head pretty much exactly like you wrote it out! :) HA HA!